Since SafePal was introduced to the market, we have been actively targeted by scammers from all social channels. There are fake airdrops on Twitter and Telegram, fake websites, and fake Apps on Play Store. Please be aware of scammers and do NOT give your private key or mnemonic phrase to anyone.
Being aware of scammers and learning how to protect ourselves isn’t enough. It comes to us that it is important to unite each of us together and fight back against the scammers. If you see this post, please join our movement together and share this article with your friends and family.
Report fake SafePal websites
The official SafePal website is, and all the latest updates, social channels are displayed on this website.
If you encounter a fake website or weblink that claims to be SafePal, here is how we can join hands together to shut it down:
- Open the Google Phishing Page Report Link
- Copy and paste the fake web link into the report form
- Add additional details about the fake web link (Optional)
- Click ‘Submit Report’
Report fake Telegram accounts or groups
The official SafePal Telegram groups are as followed:
* SafePal Channel: @SafePal_Official
* SafePal Global Group: @SafePalWallet
* SafePal Indian Group: @SafePalWalletIN
* SafePal African Group: @SafePalWalletAFR
* SafePal Bangladesh Group: @SafePalWalletBD
* SafePal Indonesian Group: @SafePalWalletIND
* SafePal Russian Group: @SafePalWalletRU
* SafePal Chinese Group: @SafePalWalletCN
* Token discussion: @SFP_discussion
Admins and volunteers from these groups will NEVER direct message (DM) you first.
If you see a fake SafePal group or receive a direct message from someone personating SafePal admins, don’t hesitate to report them using the following method:
Step 1: Block User
At the right upper corner of the chat, click the three dots and select Block user. This can ban the scammers from messaging you again.
Step 2: Report the username of the scammer account to @Notoscam Telegram bot
- Copy the Username of the scammer account
2. Paste the scammer Username to @Notoscam on Telegram
Step 3: Help remind others about the scammers on Telegram
After doing Step 1 and 2, it’s always better to share it on the SafePal official Telegram groups or with your friends to let them know scammers are everywhere. It’s never too careful to be aware of fake accounts and groups on the social channels.
Report fake Twitter accounts
The official SafePal Twitter account is @iSafePal.
The official SafePal Support Twitter account is @safepal_support.
Any other Twitter account personating SafePal is FAKE account. You can report them through a few simple clicks:
1. Click on the three dots beside the account profile
2. Select Report account
3. Select “It’s suspicious or spam”
4. Select “It’s a fake account”
5. Click Block account, and then ‘Done’.
Report fake SafePal Apps:
The official SafePal App can be found on the SafePal official website, Google Play, and App Store.
If you see a fake SafePal App on these channels, you can report them via the following methods:
Report fake SafePal App on Play Store:
- Open the Google Play Store app .
- Go to the detail page for an app or game.
- Tap More Flag as inappropriate.
- Choose a reason and enter the necessary information and then tab Submit.
- Here is an example:
How to report fake SafePal App on App Store:
- Go to your “App Store” and open the detail screen of the app
- Scroll down, tap on “Reviews”
- Tap the “New Document” icon
- Tap “Report a Problem” button
- Tap on the type of problem you are facing
- This application has a bug
- This application is offensive
- My concern is not limited here
- Type the complaint or concern in the “Comments” field
- Tap on “Report” button and submit the report
Welcome to share this article with your friends and family to teach them on how to protect themselves on the internet and prevent potential loss.
SafePal Team