Founded in 2015, Discord is a means for people to easily communicate together. People can create a server for their friends or community – a place where you can talk, hang out, and have fun. And a server looks like this:
You can join or create servers for all kinds of communities. Since last December, SafePal has moved the online communities from Telegram to Discord for better community engagement and more responsive communications. Discord makes it easy for SafePal product users to browse, search and join different discussions in one server. Here is the complete guide to it for Discord beginners.
Why should I join SafePal Server?
- SafePal Discord Server is the only official SafePal community, which helps members to learn the latest updates of SafePal, interact with other SafePal users and crypto enthusiasts. We will also hold more community-based activities in Discord shortly.
- SafePal server is not just a place for crypto-free chats, but also a place where you can learn more about how to use SafePal products. We have useful crypto and wallet guidelines, tutorials, and FAQs on the server for beginners, hardware wallet users, and more. It will be the right destination if you meet any difficulties in SafePal wallet usage.
- There are more than 10 different local chat channels that make it easy for you to chat and communicate in your native language.
- In the SafePal server, we have built interaction with different themes, which is fun and powerful for everyone!
How do I join SafePal Server?
You can join the SafePal server by entering the ‘Explore Public Server’ section.
- Enter ‘SafePal’ to search the SafePal server.
- Click the photo and join the server.
3. Get yourseld verified by the bot
The column on the very left-hand side of your Discord app is your server list. Any time you join or create a server, it will automatically pop up as a small circular icon in this list.
Pro Tip:
- You can even group servers together by dragging them on top of one another!
- A little white dot will occur on the left of the icon when there’s a new message from the server.
- You can rearrange your server list by dragging server icons up and down.
How can I follow an announcement channel?
The announcement channel inside the SafePal server will publish the latest updates about the community activities, new version/feature/product, and important notices from SafePal. Server members can receive the latest message from the channel immediately by following it to their own servers.
Here is the guide of how to follow the SafePal announcement channel and receive the updates on your personal Discord server:
Step 1 Create your own private server
Click the “+” icon at the bottom of your server list.
Then choose ‘Create a server’. Follow the steps to set up the server.
Step 2 Follow the SafePal announcement channel
Go to the announcement channel that you want to follow, and then click the ‘Follow’ button.
On the pop-up page, choose the server you created in Step 1, and select the channel from your private server to receive the announcements. Then click the ‘Follow’ button at the bottom. The updates from the SafePal channel will then be automatically synced and shown show on your chosen channel! This is a great way to make sure that you don’t miss a move from the SafePal community.
Use Discord Safely: Safe Messaging!
To keep your Discord Direct Messages(DMs) clean and prevent any unwarranted surprises at bay, Discord has a few extra levels you can pull. If you open your user settings tab and select the Privacy & Safety option, you’ll see the “Safe Direct Messaging” option!
We recommend selecting the ‘Keep me safe’ option, which is the safest option. With this option selected, Discord will scan any images sent in all DMs, regardless of whether you’ve added the user on your friend list, or the user is DMing you just by sharing a mutual server.
A walk-through of the SafePal server
- Learn community rules and info as a newcomer
It is highly recommended that you read the listed channels before chatting. All of these channels are only-readable channels for new members to know the rules and precautions, and selecting the roles.
2. Acquire latest updates and important annoucements about SafePal.
The second category ‘News’ would be the place where you can fetch the latest news and giveaways. Before your question is raised in the community, you should retrieve the answers here by yourself first. Do not forget to follow the ‘announcement’ and ‘bulletin’ channels.
We’d like to Introduce SafePal School, the ongoing user-education project that aims at helping crypto beginners to learn more about cryptocurrency, Defi, and SafePal products. Also, all the SafePal video tutorials are listed here for community members to easily access.
Here is a fast way for you to get an answer. Enter the keywords of your question in the search bar on the top right corner. The Q&A will pop up there then you can get the tutorial or help by clicking the message.
3. Connect users around the globe in one place
The third part is the ‘SafePal Square’ which is for text chat with all the SafePal community members from all over the world.
4. Join our community events in ‘SafePal Stage’
The SafePal Stage Category is a place where to hold the AMA and live stream events. The community can join in our AMA events on the AMA channel and raise their questions for our project partners. Also, the livestream channel is a place to engage people in any tutorial live audiovisually.
5. Gather all these thematic channels for security and fun
There is a ‘SafePal Ecosystem’ category that divides topics from different channels.
A bot in the SafePal server can help users to gain XP and levels by participating in the chat. The Level-up channel is the place to check your rank on the server.
The weekly polls channel is an entertainment channel for users to participate in different votes.
We also have the channel ‘show your S1’ for hardware wallet users to show the photos of their devices.
There is a bug-report channel, a scammers report channel, and an order&shipping issue report channel. All your questions will be replied to as a priority.
There will be more categories and channels with different functions in the future to provide a better community for all the SafePal product users. Welcome to join us and let us build the community together.
Tip: Don’t forget to check the ‘Pinned Messages’ if there is a red dot on it.
Join SafePal Discord now!